Comment Wall

The Daily Adventures of The Rugrats

Link to my Introduction


  1. Hello~
    Oh the memories I have from watching the Rugrats... This is such a unique story idea! I'm impressed by your creative thinking. I just have a few comments I thought I'd pass along. Since I was a big fan of the Rugrats back in the day I know who the characters are but so many people were introduced in such a short period of time I think that could be confusing/overwhelming for first time Rugrat readers. I do like how you set up the introduction. It doesn't drag on and by the time I finished reading it I knew what to expect from the future stories. (Also, it's just a minor thing but adding a link to your comment wall on your site would help make it easier to leave feedback.)

    1. I definitely did add a lot of characters in the beginning, but I think I am going to keep it that way. Those characters I added are just about all main characters. I am planning on adding an extra section to my storybook to show what character is who to make it easier for the readers to follow along! Thanks for the input!

  2. Hey Victoria. The Rugrats was a great childhood show. After reading your introduction I want to go binge watch the Rugrats. I liked how you named various Rugrats characters. If you are going to continue incorporating the Rugrats into your portfolio I would recommend leaving a picture of the important Rugrats characters maybe in the introduction somewhere with names beside each character so people who are not familiar with the Rugrats have a visual of the characters. However, I think a majority of people will be familiar with the Rugrats. I can not wait to see the various stories you will be incorporating! Another aspect I liked about your story is that you are introducing the various other stories that you will talk about within your storybook in the introduction. I think that is a perfect transition to get into the actual stories. Overall, great job on your introduction and I can not wait to read the rest of your storybook.

    1. I like the idea of adding a section with characters and their pictures! I'll definitely add that into an extra section of the storybook! Thanks!

  3. Hi Victoria!

    Your Rugrats idea was so cute. It really brought back some memories. The introduction was well detailed and informative of who the audience is in terms of what stories you will be portraying. You also inserted a good comment on what these stories are about. I think if you go into a slight more detail for this, it will make it more clear about what stories are going to be talked about. That is because your theme is just that, a theme. So although the story is being told in a new way, the theme is around the main stories. Maybe you can find a way to say how these stories are relationships between each of the kids. I really like your layout as well. Also, I noticed that your title at the top is "rugratsindianepics", but it is missing an "i" in Indian haha. I was not sure if that was on purpose or by mistake. I really loved your theme and story line, however. I cannot wait to come back and read more!

    1. Hi Simran! I named the website rugrats indian epics, but I can see where that might get confusing and that's why you mentioned I forgot an "i" lol. I plan on having the kids act out the stories in their own way, since they always made random adventures in the backyard on the show!

  4. Hello, Victoria
    I really liked your story, I love the Rugrats and watched it all the time as a kid. In the first sentence a lot of names are said but not explained. Maybe you could add a sentence about each character’s history and how they are part of the story. I think the amount of characters you have included is fine as along as you explain who each of them are. Another thing I was confused about is in the second sentence where you said they were coming up ideas, I was curious about what ideas they were brainstorming for. Are they brainstorming to cause some mischief or are they plotting something to cause trouble or to help someone? I really love that you made a family from the western culture tell stories about a nonwestern culture, I think real live families should follow this idea and maybe our culture would be a little more rounded.

  5. Hello! Yours is the story I got to pick, and I have to say the whole Rugrats thing really pulled me in. Off the bat, the intro is a bit weird. The first sentence doesn't really give me much info about where we are. All I know is a basement, which is really creepy. Maybe a "In ____ city there was a family. The Pickles. Every day Stu, the father, would go into his office and create new toys for" or something like that. Just less BAM. Basement. The rest of the bit is very understandable and creates interest for the future story. However, "These stories can also help make their friendship bond even more!" does not make sense. These stories can strengthen their bond as friends? Maybe. I would also like a name for the pizza delivery place. Also. "Indian animal stories" came off sort of offensive to me. Aren't Jatakas Buddhist? You could say Buddhist stories about nature. Overall, I really enjoyed your intro and I'm excited to see what you are planning for your whole storybook!!

  6. Hi Victoria!
    I love that you chose the rugrats! I loved that show so much as a kid and it will be cool to see how the kids interpret the stories. How do you plan to do that? You could have so much fun with the kids reenacting the stories after they are told one! The rugrats as a group have a huge imagination, so the sky is honestly the limit. Or there is the older version of the story, "All Growed Up" you could flash to and see how the lessons of the stories impact the kids! I don't know what you plan to do but I love what you have done thus far. I hope Angelica is done justice, I kinda have a soft spot for her. Its hard being an older kid forced to hang out with the younger ones constantly.

  7. Hi Victoria!
    I am not going to lie. I definitely clicked on your storybook link because of the title. I was just super curious as to how Rugrats tied in with Indian Epics! How did you come up with this idea? And why Rugrats in particular?
    One comment that I do have is about the organization of your introduction. I noticed that there was quite a bit of dialogue, so I think one way to really show the back-and-forth interaction of the characters is to make each spoken line its own paragraph. That way, the reader's eyes are forced to ready the dialogue in section, which better reflects how conversations go in real life.
    Other than that small comment, I am really looking forward to how the children get to the learn about Indian Epics and how it will support Doctor Lipschitz theory on the development of imagination and friendships.

  8. Hey Victoria,
    Wow, a story on the Rugrats! My childhood. Oh, that is a good idea! I liked how you did a characters list. That is so helpful especially for stories with lots of characters. You even gave descriptions in who they are in relationship to other people.

    That is so nice, having a good family story time visit.
    It is helpful that you gave a little brief discussion on who they are as well in introduction 1. I wish it were a little bit more descriptive. It seem kind of short to me. I can’t wait to see how you connect them to Indian epics. Are you telling them stories from India and just relaying to them normal Indian epics or are you making your own epics and then telling them about that?

    I think it is a bit confusing why you have two introductions. I think it would be best if you put it all in one tab. Within that first one you can put a solid line and use that as a divider and then continue with the intro. I did that with mine by first setting up who everyone is and then used the divider to get into the intro of the story. It is even more interesting that you are now having them grown up and using the stories that they heard as children to enter a film competition. This is a great set up! Good luck with the rest of the storybook!!

  9. Hi Victoria,
    I haven't read or watched anything lately with the Rugrats, so this was a nice change in pace. I liked your story, but I felt like it was a little too choppy from page to page and that each page could have been slightly extended on. Take this with a grain of salt though because I am doing a portfolio and I don't know how much you need to write for the storybook. I like the concept that these stories are being told to the children and that they also wish to spread the stories through film. I'm just curious when you are going to tell the reader the stories. Will it be during filmmaking when they are trying to remember the stories? There are also a few housekeeping tidbits that are confusing. The first one would be the directory bar at the top. Having an Intro one and two is a little bit confusing. I would either condense those or I would rename them. However, if this is a style choice or has a certain meaning behind it then leave it. I look forward to see what happens next!

  10. Hey Victoria!
    Incorporating the iconic Rugrats characters into your storybook is such a fun idea! I really loved the Rugrats when I was younger and was very excited to see how you would utilize this classic cartoon. Your introduction does a great job of presenting the reader with the different characters and setting the scene. I did have a bit of trouble following the action of who was doing what in the first story, simply because there are so many characters interacting with one another. Angelica's personality in the first story is exactly how I remember it from the cartoons though! I think you could expand on the unique personalities of the other characters, which might also help readers follow their interactions more easily. Great job!
    A few editing notes:
    -There are a few instances in the first story of "its" where it should be"it's"
    -I think you might mean "find the culprit" instead of "find out culprit"

  11. Hi Victoria!

    I love the creativity you used in creating your story book. Using your stories like little films was a great idea and unlike anything I have seen in this class so far. Adding the character list was also a great idea. It especially helps those who have not seen Rugrats before. I almost wish a character list with a brief description of each character should be included in the stories we are reading for this class. It is sometimes hard for me to follow the characters in stories like the Mahabharata.

    I really enjoyed Film 1. One thing that I think that would add to your story is adding a description to your title. For example something like "Film 1: Angela's Forest" would be fitting. I am sure you could even come up with a title more creative than that after looking through your storybook. Your storybook overall looks great.

  12. Hey Victoria,

    Using the Rugrats for your stories is really cool and kinda different. I must admit it has been awhile since I watched the Rugrats and the details easily escape me. For the introduction, you mention that Stu will be telling two different stories to help come up with some new ideas and spark his imagination. I was wondering if there would be more stories that would come from some of the other kids' imaginations? It seems that this must be the case and that Stu is not the only one coming up with stuff.

    Film 1 was great and I forgot that the Rugrats were all in high school now so it was definitely an interesting read when you think of them as kids. Having them run around with knives was very disturbing when I imagined little kids. It might be interesting to describe how Lil distracted Angelica and how she was taken by the river. Other than that, it was great.

  13. Hey Victoria! It is awesome how you are creating your stories with the show Rugrats! Its been a long time since I heard of the Rugrats or seen any movies or shows. It got me really excited to read your stories. I like how you added a section of characters to help us know the people and refresh our memory. What would have been better if you added a description about them or what they looked like! It can get messy when you’re explaining your story about the characters, but I don’t what type of a person they are. In Film 1, I enjoyed the amount of dialogue you added in your stories because it made it easier to read and understand what they are talking about! I notice how you added onomatopoeias and making it descriptive. Overall, your story was great, and it was very creative which I really liked! Great job!


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