Recently I took a trip to Daytona, Florida with my boyfriend and his parents. I don't travel much so when I do, the location usually becomes my favorite place to be at. Last year for Spring Break visiting Redlands, California was one of the best places I visited. However, Daytona topped that since I got to see sea turtles at the Marine Science Center. The sea turtles at the MSC were all in ICU for injuries from swallowing hooks, plastic, and other foreign objects and also being hit by boats. Most the of the sea turtles are ready to be released back into the ocean within the next few weeks.
This is a personal photo I took while at the Marine Science Center
While in Daytona, we also visited Blue Spring State Park. BSSP is the home of manatees during the winter because the natural spring water is warmer for the manatees to swim in. Visitors also have the opportunity to kayak to get a closer look the manatees.
This is a personal photo I took of two manatees.
Wow, manatees and sea turtles: what great photos, Victoria! Turtles are a big topic in Indian mythology; the god Vishnu even had an incarnation as a turtle: Kurma. And there are many turtles in the Indian jatakas and other folktales, as you'll see already in the Week 2 reading for class. GO TURTLES! :-)