Author: Ellen C. Babbitt
Title: The Turtle and The King
King will be Meowth
Sons will be Meowth's sons
The men to kill the turtle is Jessie and James
The Turtle will be Squirtle
Old man is Wobbuffet
Setting will be at Meowth's mansion because he got rich
Jessie and James will sing the Team Rocket song before trying to kill Squirtle
Jessie and James surprisingly succeed by throwing Squirtle into the Lake (only because Wobbuffet had a good idea)
Squirtle laughs at them and puts on his sunglasses when he gets thrown :)
Title: The Turtle and The King
King will be Meowth
Sons will be Meowth's sons
The men to kill the turtle is Jessie and James
The Turtle will be Squirtle
Old man is Wobbuffet
Setting will be at Meowth's mansion because he got rich
Jessie and James will sing the Team Rocket song before trying to kill Squirtle
Jessie and James surprisingly succeed by throwing Squirtle into the Lake (only because Wobbuffet had a good idea)
Squirtle laughs at them and puts on his sunglasses when he gets thrown :)
Squirtle says "haha Team Rocket, you lose again!" Source
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