Time Strategies

For this semester, I need to make sure I write my notes for a class the day of class or the day after class in order to not get behind and struggle writing/learning everything before exams. Other than that, I tend to get other assignments done before they are actually due. It stresses me out if I don't have the assignment done before on its due date when I have a bunch of other things due at the same time. For example, I am just now doing the Time Strategies assignment today (which is due tomorrow) because I don't have anything else due this weekend, so my mind is at ease since there isn't anything else going on. However, say I had an exam Monday I would make sure I had this Time Strategies assignment done by Thursday so I could study all weekend for my exam.

I read The Psychology of Checklists and I was able to relate to the blog. I like making checklist to make sure I have everything done for the day. For example, my checklist for Tuesday is to write my class notes for Immunology, try to get ahead on blog assignments, and go to work. I also make lists when I'm packing to go places, it puts my mind at ease knowing that I will have everything I need before I leave.

I also read Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination as I do procrastinate on certain things. I tend to procrastinate when I need to make doctor appointments because I just don't like talking on the phone. I also procrastinate when I need to write notes because I am usually drained by the end of the day and then I don't write my notes even though I have the time to write them. I liked question number 4: What will go wrong if I don't do this now? This is a question I need to start asking myself when I don't do something I know I need to do. Those doctor appointments I have to make what would go wrong if I don't? Well, my glasses are old, so maybe I need to make that eye appointment to make sure my eyesight didn't get worse. What could go wrong if I don't write my notes? Well, I would be too busy writing my notes the night before an exam than actually using that time to have a good study session.
