Week 3 Story: Jon and Daenerys Battle Cersei

Jon and Daenerys were preparing their men to extract dragonglass from Dragonstone, in order to defeat the White Walkers. Jon, who was finally able to get the remaining siblings together, was content and actually happy for once. Arya, Sansa, and Bran were out on the beach when they noticed ships, hundreds of ships, with the Lannister Banner flying high on every single ship. The banners made the blue sea turn into red and gold.  

"Sansa, you and Bran go to the cave and hide! I'll go find Jon. The Lannister's are coming from Kings Landing!" Arya instructed Sansa. Sansa picks up Bran and runs to the dragonglass cave. 
Arya runs as fast as she can up to the Dragonstone (also name of the castle) so she can find Jon and Daenerys. As she heads up the steps, Drogon flies over her and out into the sea, burning most of the ships. Meanwhile, Jon and Daenerys are running down to Arya. 

"Where are Sansa and Bran?" Jon asked Arya. "I sent them to hide with the dragonglass" Arya explained. "They'll be safer in there than in the castle."

Jon, Daenerys, and Arya get ready for battle with armor, swords, and dragons. At the same time, Jon reflects on his meeting with Cersei Lannister. 

A few months ago, Cersei agreed to be on the North's side for the sake of human kind. The White Walker that Jon and Daenerys showed Cersei, terrified her. But of course it didn't scare her enough. Cersei had a plan up her sleeve. She knew about the dragonglass and she wanted her army to extract it for her use only, that way she can stay the true ruler of the seven kingdoms. The only way to do it, was to bring her army to Dragonstone and destroy Jon and Daenerys.

Cersei and Jaime land on Dragonstone and make their presence know by trying to shoot down Drogon and Daenerys with the catapult. Of course Drogon was fast enough to miss the spear and then he swooped down and lit more ships on fire. 

Daenerys on Drogon's back Source

As Daenerys land back to Jon and Arya, her and Jon tell Arya to go with Sansa and Bran, since they cannot defend themselves. As Arya runs off, Jon and Daenerys walk the beach where Jaime and Cersei are. Jamie instructs the rest of the army to attack Jon and Daenerys. The army swarms the beach causing the air to stiffen and the sky to get darker. 

"Dracarys!" Daenerys yells at Drogon. 

Drogon ignites the Lannister army on fire, burning each soldier alive. Then Jaime charges at Jon in hopes to kill Jon and end the battle. However, Jaime fails. Drogon comes turns around and burns Jaime for attacking Jon and Daenerys. Cersei is now alone, her army failed, her twin brother failed, her catapult failed. Out of anger and agony, Cersei picks up Jaimes sword and charges after Daenerys. Daenerys was ready to call for Drogon again, but before she could Jon picked up a dagger and waited for Cersei to get close enough to throw it at Cersei's head. The blow to Cersei's head instantly killed her. Now, Deanerys is the true ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. 

Authors Note: I based this Game of Thrones story off of Battle with Khara. In this story, Rama battled with Dushana and Khara, who are "maneating" twin brothers. Rahu, the shadow entity created evil omens which changed the sky to a blood-red, indicating that the twins and their army were on the way. Rama's brother, Lakshmana, and Rama's wife, Sita, were also there. Before the battle started, Rama told Lakshmana to hide/protect Sita in the secret cave in the mountains. Once they left, the army of Khara and Dushana go and attack Rama. Rama killed their army and eventually the twins with his celestial bow and arrows, which lit them on fire and killing them instantly.


  1. I have never watched Game of Thrones, yes I know shocking, but the story was unique and I enjoyed it. I was a bit lost just because I did not know who all the characters were, it might be helpful for next time to maybe include a little backstory or description of who everyone in the story is. The first paragraph really allowed me to picture the situation and imagine as if I were actually there. I also really liked how you divided up the text. You never kept a super long paragraph and used actual quotes from the characters instead of just telling us what they said, you allowed them to say it.

  2. Hi Victoria!

    Firstly, I love Game of Thrones and I love how you transformed the story to fit within Game of Thrones. I liked the application of dragonglass because if I remember correctly, the last episode or two showed dragonglass under Dragonstone. I would need to go back and watch it again, but I remember seeing a lot of it in a location within the show. I also enjoyed how you used Drogon and really applied him into the story. I look forward to reading more of your stories!

  3. Hey Victoria!

    This story deserves an automatic 100. Game of Thrones is amazing and I loved the way you added your knowledge of Game of Thrones fitting it within the elements shown within the Ramayana. My question to you is that on the actual show do you want Cersei to die? I honestly will terrible if any of the characters die that are alive right now in Game of Thrones, well except Bran. This story was amazing and you did the Ramayana justice!

  4. I know why I had to die in the story, but I just really feel like I had turned a new leaf. Yes, everyone hated me in the first few seasons, but all that stuff with Brienne and Catelyn changed me a lot. However I will thank you for not writing my death to be gruesome, just a simple “He failed” that’s good for me. Killing my sister with a dagger to the head was definitely the opposite of mine in level of gruesome. Maybe she did deserve a death like that. She did pretty much get all of my children killed in some way. Dushana and Khara are definitely relatable to Cersei and I. Twins who go looking for a little too much they can handle, against someone with mystical powers. Yep, seems like Rama is Drogon’s equivalent. Maybe Jon and Arya are supposed to represent the siblings of Rama and Lakshmana who defeat Kara and Dushana. Perhaps it means Jon and Dany? Oops. Am I not supposed to know about that yet? My bad (spoiler alert).

    Story written from Jaime’s perspective.


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