Title: The Foolish, Timid Rabbit
Author: Ellen C. Babbitt
One morning Rabbit was sleeping under a palm tree and when he woke up he thought about the world. He thought if the world would break apart what would he do. While Rabbit was thinking, the Monkeys in the palm tree drop a coconut. This caused the Rabbit to get scared and think that the world was going to break apart. Rabbit started to run as fast as he can.
While Rabbit was running away, another Rabbit saw him and started running with him to figure out why Rabbit was running away. Rabbit told the other Rabbit that the world is falling apart. Eventually, hundreds of Rabbits began to run and follow the first Rabbit. Then a Deer, Fox, and an Elephant began running with the Rabbits.
While everyone was running, the King Lion roared three times to get their attention. He asked what was wrong and they told him the world is breaking apart. Then all the animals went down the line until it got to the first Rabbit who then told King Lion where the world was going to fall apart at.
Rabbit took King Lion to the palm tree and King Lion told Rabbit he was a fool because there was a coconut on the ground and that the world is not falling apart.
Author: Ellen C. Babbitt
One morning Rabbit was sleeping under a palm tree and when he woke up he thought about the world. He thought if the world would break apart what would he do. While Rabbit was thinking, the Monkeys in the palm tree drop a coconut. This caused the Rabbit to get scared and think that the world was going to break apart. Rabbit started to run as fast as he can.
While Rabbit was running away, another Rabbit saw him and started running with him to figure out why Rabbit was running away. Rabbit told the other Rabbit that the world is falling apart. Eventually, hundreds of Rabbits began to run and follow the first Rabbit. Then a Deer, Fox, and an Elephant began running with the Rabbits.
While everyone was running, the King Lion roared three times to get their attention. He asked what was wrong and they told him the world is breaking apart. Then all the animals went down the line until it got to the first Rabbit who then told King Lion where the world was going to fall apart at.
Rabbit took King Lion to the palm tree and King Lion told Rabbit he was a fool because there was a coconut on the ground and that the world is not falling apart.
Running Rabbit Source
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