Title: Drona Trains the Princes
Author: Donald A. Mackenzie
Bhishma welcomed Drona as Drona arrived to the city of Hastinapura. Drona was there to teach the young princes to fight against Drona's enemys, Drupada and Rajah of Panchala. Bhishma willingly agreed to let Drona train the young princes under the condition of helping Drona defeat Drpada and Rajah.
Drona then went to the royal palace with his wife and son, Ashwatthaman. Ashwatthaman was with Drona because Drona wanted him to train with the Pandavas and Kauravas.
Drona was the happiest with the Pandavas training. Yudhishthira was training as a spearman but he was more happy being a scholar than a fighter. Arjuna surpassed all the other warriors. He was noble, could ride the steed, guide the elephant, and drove the chariot that was broken. Arjuna was also great a combat, being undefeated against the other princes. Arjuna also became the a skilled archer. Bhima became a skilled wielder of a club. Nakula was able to tame the steeds. Then Sahadeva became the mighty swordsmen and understood a lot about astronomy.
Drona also trained the Kauravas and his son, Ashwatthaman. But none of them were as skilled as the Pandavas princes. The Kauravas prince, Duryodhana was jealous of all the Pandavas, but especially jealous of Arjuna. As Arjuna became Drona's favorite pupil. Arjuna was modest, perfect, and fearless. However, despite Arjuna's great power, he was also the most obedient and listend the most to Drona than all the others.
Ajurna on the battlefield. Source
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