Title: Maya's Palace
Author: John Mandeville Macfie
Maya - king of the asuras
Arjuna - archer
yakshas - nature spirits
Narada - a Vedic sage
Indra - King of the Gods / God of Lightning, Thunder, Rains and River flows / King of Heaven
Yama - God of Death
Varuna - God of Water
Kubera - God of Wealth
Brahma - God of Creation
Nakula and Sahadeva - the twins of Pandu
Yudhishthira - eldest son of Pandu and Kunti / successful leader of the Pandava side of the Kurukshetra War
Maya was greatful that Arjuna burned down the Khandava forest to build the palace for the Pandavas. Maya was a phenomenal architect for demons and kept all his gold and gems on top of the Himalayas which was guarded by rakshasas and yakshas. Once Maya's palace was built, Narada came to visit. He compared Maya's palace to the palaces of Indra, Yama, Varuna, Kubera and Brahma.
One day King Duryodhana was walking around the mansion and found what appeared to be a crystal surface. So King D. decided to walk across it and ended up falling into water. The water was so clear that it looked like a solid crystal path. King D.'s clothes were soaked and Bhima, Arjuna, and the twins laughed at him. King D. ignored them and went on with his day. Then King D. found a door that was made out of crystal. He thought it was closed and so he put his hands out to see if it was really closed. But the door was opened and then he tumbled down the stairs.
Author: John Mandeville Macfie
Maya - king of the asuras
Arjuna - archer
yakshas - nature spirits
Narada - a Vedic sage
Indra - King of the Gods / God of Lightning, Thunder, Rains and River flows / King of Heaven
Yama - God of Death
Varuna - God of Water
Kubera - God of Wealth
Brahma - God of Creation
Nakula and Sahadeva - the twins of Pandu
Yudhishthira - eldest son of Pandu and Kunti / successful leader of the Pandava side of the Kurukshetra War
Maya was greatful that Arjuna burned down the Khandava forest to build the palace for the Pandavas. Maya was a phenomenal architect for demons and kept all his gold and gems on top of the Himalayas which was guarded by rakshasas and yakshas. Once Maya's palace was built, Narada came to visit. He compared Maya's palace to the palaces of Indra, Yama, Varuna, Kubera and Brahma.
One day King Duryodhana was walking around the mansion and found what appeared to be a crystal surface. So King D. decided to walk across it and ended up falling into water. The water was so clear that it looked like a solid crystal path. King D.'s clothes were soaked and Bhima, Arjuna, and the twins laughed at him. King D. ignored them and went on with his day. Then King D. found a door that was made out of crystal. He thought it was closed and so he put his hands out to see if it was really closed. But the door was opened and then he tumbled down the stairs.
King Duryodhana Source
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