Title: Pushpaka
Author: Romesh Dutt
In this story, Rama is the narrator and is talking to Sita. He talks about all the places he's been. They are also flying in the Pushpaka chariot that belonged to Ravana.
Lanka: Sri Lanka
Trikuta: a three peak mountain in Lanka
Vanara: forest people
rakshasa: maneaters
Indrajit: prince of Lanka / the greatest warrior
Kumbhakarna: younger brother of Ravana / a rakshasa
Ravana: demon king of Lanka
Mandodari: Ravana's wife
Vibhishan: Ravana's brother / became king after Ravana's death
Kishkindha: the monkey kingdom
Vali: the monkey king / killed by Rama
Sugriva: younger brother of Vali / became king after Vali's death / aided Rama to find Sita
Pampa: a sacred lake
Jatayu: tried to save Sita, but couldn't because he was too old
Godavari: 2nd biggest river
Agastya: a Hindu sage
Dandak: forest
Valmiki: a sage
Ayodhya: a city
Jumna: a river
Bharadwaja: Vedic sage
Ashram: spiritual hermitage
Ganga: Goddess of Ganges River
Author: Romesh Dutt
In this story, Rama is the narrator and is talking to Sita. He talks about all the places he's been. They are also flying in the Pushpaka chariot that belonged to Ravana.
Rama and Sita on the Pushpaka. Source
Lanka: Sri Lanka
Trikuta: a three peak mountain in Lanka
Vanara: forest people
rakshasa: maneaters
Indrajit: prince of Lanka / the greatest warrior
Kumbhakarna: younger brother of Ravana / a rakshasa
Ravana: demon king of Lanka
Mandodari: Ravana's wife
Vibhishan: Ravana's brother / became king after Ravana's death
Kishkindha: the monkey kingdom
Vali: the monkey king / killed by Rama
Sugriva: younger brother of Vali / became king after Vali's death / aided Rama to find Sita
Pampa: a sacred lake
Jatayu: tried to save Sita, but couldn't because he was too old
Godavari: 2nd biggest river
Agastya: a Hindu sage
Dandak: forest
Valmiki: a sage
Ayodhya: a city
Jumna: a river
Bharadwaja: Vedic sage
Ashram: spiritual hermitage
Ganga: Goddess of Ganges River
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