Title: Pot-Ear
Author: Sister Nivedita
Pot-Ear is Ravana's brother who sleeps in the cave. Pot-ear sleeps anywhere from 6-10 months. Ravana needed Pot-ears help tp defeat Rama so Ravana sent rakshasas to go wake up Pot-Ear.
The rakshasas found him in the cave in a deep sleep. They prepared a bunch of food for him, deer and buffalo, rice, and jars of blood.
They couldn't get pot-ear to wake up. They bit, shouted, played music, threw logs, poured water, stabbed him with swords and spears, even made the elephants ram into him.
Finally, he woke up but was starving. Pot-ear ate all the food the rakshasas prepared for him. He also drank two thousand flasks of wine.
As he left the cave, the monkeys that were around the area started to run away. Unfortunately, the monkeys got caught and Ear-Pot ate all of them.
Rama, Hanuman, and Angada show up with more monkeys. They swarmed Pot-Ear and Hanuman got wounded by Pot-Ear. Pot-Ear was ready to hit Hanuman again but instead Hanuman caught the attack. This made the rakshasas afraid and they ran away.
Rama took over the battle by cutting of Pot-Ear's arms and sliced his legs, and then took off his head.
Author: Sister Nivedita
Pot-Ear is Ravana's brother who sleeps in the cave. Pot-ear sleeps anywhere from 6-10 months. Ravana needed Pot-ears help tp defeat Rama so Ravana sent rakshasas to go wake up Pot-Ear.
The rakshasas found him in the cave in a deep sleep. They prepared a bunch of food for him, deer and buffalo, rice, and jars of blood.
They couldn't get pot-ear to wake up. They bit, shouted, played music, threw logs, poured water, stabbed him with swords and spears, even made the elephants ram into him.
Finally, he woke up but was starving. Pot-ear ate all the food the rakshasas prepared for him. He also drank two thousand flasks of wine.
As he left the cave, the monkeys that were around the area started to run away. Unfortunately, the monkeys got caught and Ear-Pot ate all of them.
Rama, Hanuman, and Angada show up with more monkeys. They swarmed Pot-Ear and Hanuman got wounded by Pot-Ear. Pot-Ear was ready to hit Hanuman again but instead Hanuman caught the attack. This made the rakshasas afraid and they ran away.
Rama took over the battle by cutting of Pot-Ear's arms and sliced his legs, and then took off his head.
Rakshasas trying to wake up Pot-Ear
Alt. Caption: You snooze, ya lose.
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