Week 6 Story: The Eyrie

Robert Baratheon was the King of all the Seven Kingdoms. King Baratheon was also the head of House Baratheon. Even though he held title of King, King Baratheon was not the brightest towards the end of his reign. He was deceived by many, which included his wife Cersei. The only person King Baratheon trusted was the Hand of The King, Jon Arryn. Unfortunately, Jon Arryn suddenly fell ill and died within 24 hours. Jon Arryn's death caused his wife and child to fled Kings Landing because they were worried for their safety.

After weeks go by King Baratheon decided to visit Jon Arryn's wife, Lysa Arryn, and son, Robin Arryn, to pay respects since they fled Kings Landing so quickly. King Baratheon also wanted them to know that they shouldn't have fear for their lives because the coroner deemed Jon Arryns death from old age. Even though Jon Arryn was actually poisoned.

So King Baratheon, Cersei Lannister (The Queen), Tyrion and Jaime Lannister traveled to the Eyrie, where Lysa Arryn lived. The Eyrie is a beautiful castle lays across a tower of rocks. It is nearly impossible to attack the castle since it is so high up. The castle also has a trap door in the middle of the kings room which Robin named the moon door. When the moon door is opened, people can be pushed of the edge and fall to their deaths if Lysa or Robin deemed so!

The Eyrie Source

When King Baratheon, Cersei, and the children arrived, they were welcomed by Lysa and Robin and then were given a small tour of The Eyrie.

"Lady Lysa, your home is such a magnificent place." Cersei complimented.

"Thank you Queen Cersei. While I loved the beauty of Kings Landing, I did miss my home in The Eyrie. Robin missed the moon door as well. I can thank the Old Gods and the New Gods for my fortune." explained Lysa.

While Lysa and Cersei were talking, King Baratheon walks over to the moon door. As the drunken bastard he is, he almost fell over the edge of the moon door. If it wasn't for Jaime pulling him back from the moon door, then King Baratheon would have fallen to his death. While Jaime was pulling back King Baratheon, all of Lysa's guards started laughing at him and imitating his fall.

The Moon Door Source

"Silence!" yelled King Baratheon which caused everyone to stop.

King Baratheon was ashamed and went off on his own to look around the castle. He comes across the sky cells which he thought was very interesting. He demanded one of the guards to allow him to look inside the sky cells. King Baratheon walks in and notices that the sky cells are built on the side of castle that points out to the misty, thick forest landscape. King Baratheon was taken away; he never seen anything so magnificent. He then gets closer to the edge of the sky cell. He put his hands out to see if there was glass and then he suddenly fell to his death.

However, in reality King Baratheon was pushed off the edge! He was so unaware of his surroundings to realize that Cersei was following him the whole time. She wanted him gone, after years of being ignored and cheated on. She thought that this would be a better way to get rid of King Baratheon instead of sending him on a hunting trip. She smirked and turned around, only to see Lysa right behind her.

Sky Cells Source

Lysa knew her husband didn't die of old age. She suspected that someone killed him and wanted to charge the Lannisters for killing her husband but she didn't have proof. Well, now she did, Lysa wanted revenge and had the perfect opportunity to get it. So Lysa started fighting with Cersei and managed to push Cersei off the edge.

"Good riddance" said Lysa as she was brushing off the dust off her dress. She then headed back to the great hall and pretended to not know where King Baratheon and Cersei was.

Authors Note: I wrote this story based off of Maya's Palace of the Mahabharata. In this story Maya made a beautiful palace of gems, gold, and crystals. He was complemented by Narada saying the palace was just like the palaces of other gods. This is why I have Lysa say she thanks the Old Gods and the New Gods. Then King Duryodhana didn't realize that the crystal surface was actually a pool of water and he fell in. This correlates with King Baratheon almost falling over the edge of the moon door. Then King Duryodhana fell down the stairs when he puts his hands out and mistakenly thinks a crystal glass door was closed. This is when King Baratheon was pushed. Cersei is the mastermind for a lot of deaths in Game of Thrones, such as King Baratheon and possibly Jon Arryn. That is why I have Lysa push Cersei over the edge.


  1. Hello, Victoria
    I really enjoyed reading your story and its tie to Game of Thrones. It is a really cool show and I liked how you mixed the two cultures. I like the mystery aspect of the story, it keeps me at the edge of my seat and makes me wonder what happened to King Baratheon.

  2. Hi Victoria, your Authors note was helpful because I have never seen Game of Thrones! The story is well developed and has a great plot. There were a few places where you should check spelling, grammar or sentence structure. In the first paragraph, " Jon Arryn's death caused his wife and child to *flee King's* Landing because they were worried for their safety." I enjoyed your work. Thank you.

  3. Hi Victoria! First off, I’d like to say I’m glad I found a fellow Game of Thrones fan! I really appreciated the use of images throughout the story as they helped give context for each part. I also really enjoyed interpreting how you were merging the two worlds. Though you certainly took liberties with both stories, I think it was overall really well done and was a joy to read!

  4. Hi Victoria! I really enjoyed reading your story. I liked how you incorporated Game of Thrones into your version of the story. I’ve always been a fan of the TV show. With that being said, I like how you related the death of King Duryodhana to King Baratheon. Overall, I thought your story was well written and I can’t wait to read more of your stories!


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