Title: The Ox Who Won the Forfeit
Author: Ellen C. Babbitt
One day long ago there was a man who owned an Ox. The Ox was strong and the man knew that. The man decided to test the strength of the Ox with a competition with the village.
The man went to the village and told the villagers he will pat a forfeit of a thousand pieces of silver if the Ox cannot move a hundred wagons. The man knew that his Ox would be able to but the villagers did not believe him. Since the villagers didn't think the Ox could move the wagons, they agreed to pay the man a thousand silver pieces if the Ox succeeded.
The man brought his Ox the next day to show the villager that the Ox could move the wagons. The man whipped the Ox and told the Ox "get up rascal move along wretch." The Ox did not move because he was not expecting to be talked to like that. The man had to pay his forfeit.
The man went home and cried and wondered why the Ox acted the way he did. The next morning the man went out to feed the Ox. The Ox told him that he was upset and shocked with the way the man acted towards him. The man agreed that he was wrong and apologized to the Ox. The Ox forgave him and to the man that he will pull the hundred wagons tomorrow.
The next day, the man fed the Ox a nice breakfast and put a flower necklace on the Ox's neck. They headed to the village. When they arrived the villagers started laughing at the man and Ox. The man said he will forfeit two thousand silver pieces of the Ox cant pull the wagon.
This time the man praised the Ox telling him "he can do it" and "you are strong." The Ox was able to pull the wagons and the man was paid two thousand silver coins.
Author: Ellen C. Babbitt
One day long ago there was a man who owned an Ox. The Ox was strong and the man knew that. The man decided to test the strength of the Ox with a competition with the village.
The man went to the village and told the villagers he will pat a forfeit of a thousand pieces of silver if the Ox cannot move a hundred wagons. The man knew that his Ox would be able to but the villagers did not believe him. Since the villagers didn't think the Ox could move the wagons, they agreed to pay the man a thousand silver pieces if the Ox succeeded.
The man brought his Ox the next day to show the villager that the Ox could move the wagons. The man whipped the Ox and told the Ox "get up rascal move along wretch." The Ox did not move because he was not expecting to be talked to like that. The man had to pay his forfeit.
The man went home and cried and wondered why the Ox acted the way he did. The next morning the man went out to feed the Ox. The Ox told him that he was upset and shocked with the way the man acted towards him. The man agreed that he was wrong and apologized to the Ox. The Ox forgave him and to the man that he will pull the hundred wagons tomorrow.
The next day, the man fed the Ox a nice breakfast and put a flower necklace on the Ox's neck. They headed to the village. When they arrived the villagers started laughing at the man and Ox. The man said he will forfeit two thousand silver pieces of the Ox cant pull the wagon.
This time the man praised the Ox telling him "he can do it" and "you are strong." The Ox was able to pull the wagons and the man was paid two thousand silver coins.
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