Title: Amba is Rejected
Author: Sister Nivedita
The King of Shalwas rejected Amba. The reasoning behind why he rejected Amba was unclear. There could have been many reasons like he was angry and mortified from his defeat against Bhishma, or he was becoming more bitter and earnest, or he was unknightly. Regardless, he did not accept Amba.
He declared he did want a wife who was taken by Bhishma. He also taunted her until she started crying. Finally he was completely indifferent to her. No matter what she did to change her appearance, he did not want Amba. He turned away from her and pushed her away.
Amba finally realized what King Shalwas was doing to her. This caused Amba to fill with rage. She told him "if you cast me off then righteousness will protect me and the truth will come out." Amba then ran off to the city, crying and embarrassed.
To see for refuge, Amba went to the ashramas, a great forest-hermitage, which her grandfather was the head. She was still hurt and confused. She didn't know who to blame, Shalwa or Bhishma. She also tried to put the blame on her father, but in the end she kept thinking about Bhishma. If she didn't get captured then King Shalwas wouldn't reject her. Then she thought the King Shalwas was too shallow and had pathetic excuses to reject her.
Amba gained advice from the elder of the ashramas, and she realized that Bhishma is the true reason for all her pain. So now she seeks to destroy Bhishma.
Author: Sister Nivedita
The King of Shalwas rejected Amba. The reasoning behind why he rejected Amba was unclear. There could have been many reasons like he was angry and mortified from his defeat against Bhishma, or he was becoming more bitter and earnest, or he was unknightly. Regardless, he did not accept Amba.
He declared he did want a wife who was taken by Bhishma. He also taunted her until she started crying. Finally he was completely indifferent to her. No matter what she did to change her appearance, he did not want Amba. He turned away from her and pushed her away.
Amba finally realized what King Shalwas was doing to her. This caused Amba to fill with rage. She told him "if you cast me off then righteousness will protect me and the truth will come out." Amba then ran off to the city, crying and embarrassed.
To see for refuge, Amba went to the ashramas, a great forest-hermitage, which her grandfather was the head. She was still hurt and confused. She didn't know who to blame, Shalwa or Bhishma. She also tried to put the blame on her father, but in the end she kept thinking about Bhishma. If she didn't get captured then King Shalwas wouldn't reject her. Then she thought the King Shalwas was too shallow and had pathetic excuses to reject her.
Amba gained advice from the elder of the ashramas, and she realized that Bhishma is the true reason for all her pain. So now she seeks to destroy Bhishma.
Amba Source
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