Week 8 Progress

1. Looking back
I am happy with my progress so far. According to the Progress Chart, I am like a week and a half ahead. Weeks when I have exams I only do the required work. When I don't have any exams during the week, I do about 10-12 points of extra credit.

2. Looking forward
I want to try to complete this class during spring break. I plan on starting with both sets of story notes for each week, then do the story for each week. From there I'll check to see how many points left I need and work on random assignments to get the rest of the points.

3. I chose this image because as students, a lot of us don't get enough sleep. Keep at your dreams and goals even if you lose a few hours of sleep. But don't let yourself loose so much sleep because your body will shut down and crash. Take care of yourself while also pushing for your dreams.


  1. Sorry if I already posted a comment, when I tried sending it said no Internet connection. so I am going to type it again just in case. Good job on being ahead in the class. It is always a great feeling being ahead in the class. One thing that I would recommend doing is having someone hold you accountable each week to do the points. My roommate and I were talking about holding each other accountable to make sure we get the work done. I also want to be done by spring break! We got this! Good luck!


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